Friday, October 16

A Day at the Park

There is only one park near by that has the baby-friendly bucket style swings... so this is the park we go to the most often. It's also got a really cool castle for exploring. This particular trip we met up with our friend Megan. She was baby-sitting some super high energy girls who loved playing with SJ. It was a little chilly, but really fun!

Wednesday, July 29

Been a While...

Well.... Our little monster is not so little anymore! He has a doctor's appointment next week to weigh in and get a few more government mandated shots :( However, he has been very busy over the last few months.  We had a great visit with sweet little Harper. He has six... oh, yes. 6!... teeth. He has learned how to clap, peek a boo, and blow raspberries.  I am absolutely amazed by him everyday. What a rascal.  Oh, and he had a pretty bad run in with the corner of the coffee table. That bandaid lasted about an hour at the zoo... Oh well :)

Tuesday, May 19

Growing Boy

We had to play dress up with the baby today because he is growing out of things soooooo fast! This little outfit was too cute, but almost too little. The matching hat just made the whole thing :)

We had a whole box of tiny clothes to pack up today... I'm very proud that my little monster is finally moving into 6 month clothes. Even though he is two weeks past 6 months of age, these are still very loose on him. I have a feeling though he will be growing and growing and growing...

Part of his growing is due to his expanding diet. So far Mr. Sawyer has had peas, sweet potatoes, pears, squash, and green beans. And of course lots of rice cereal. He has a great appetite. So far no dislikes :)

Friday, April 17


Sawyer has had a few adventures with cereal lately... Some successful ones with Daddy. Some failures with Mama. We'll keep trying though. He seems to be really excited to learn something new. He loved the little rubber spoons. 

Perhaps my luck will improve when I stop letting him play with the spoon and bang it on the counter and generally experiment for himself. Dad gets down to business and there is NO screwing around! Maybe that's his trick :)

Either way he is getting bigger and bigger!

Friday, March 20

MVP Gets new skills

In the event that there is something very cool to stare at for a minute, Sawyer will stay in this mostly sitting position ALL ON HIS OWN! What a big boy :) Daddy and Mama are so proud! We keep trying to encourage him to balance on his own. Really, he hates laying down, so he seems happy to figure out how to do it too. 

Second exciting development... Little man has a tooth! Seriously. Not fat enough according to the Doc, but already sprouting teeth! Ha. He never seemed fussy enough to have the little guy pop through, but Lee insisted that teeth were to blame for all the extra drool. Guess Daddy knows best :) I thought his top teeth came in first, but it's the bottom one. We'll try to get a picture of it tomorrow. It's just barely through the gums. I actually felt it with my finger before I could see it.

Monday, March 2

A Collage of Sawyer


Well, I figured out a fun new toy to use for my photos. As you can see I can make a collage with as many items as I want. I love this one with all his goofy faces. He really liked those new glasses. Now, I love them too!
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Saturday, February 28

Thank You Grandma!

We had the best visit this week. We miss everyone so much. It seems like Christmas was so long ago... Well, besides good company and free baby sitting, we got some clothes and diaper supplies while they were here. One of the funniest purchases we made that weekend were these sun glasses. 

We had no idea if Sawyer would let us put them on him or not... but he loved them. I bet it was cool to see everything all red. His latest fun thing to do is sticking out his tongue, and he does it all the time. Enjoy the pictures!